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   NBA Skill Development Trainer Joshua Villarreal created  Skilled Game Basketball to reflect his unique approach to Basketball Player Development. Skilled Game Methods combine the benefits of both Skill and Game training methods. Our approach teaches players how to transfer the skills learned in training into the game.

    When you train with us, you learn elements of the game that you don't experience in club or team practices. With our development system, we expose players' weaknesses and open their minds to all the options and skills they can access in the game. 


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Skilled Game'in Kurucusu ve Sahibi


Joshua Villarreal, Phoenix, Arizona merkezli, 10 yıllık kariyeri boyunca bilgi ve tekniklerini geliştiren bir NBA Beceri Antrenörüdür. Profesyonel antrenman kariyerine 18 yaşında başladı ve 19 yaşına geldiğinde, yolda Beceri Geliştirme Eğitmeni olarak NBA 2005'te Yılın 6. Adamı Ben Gordon ile ülkeyi dolaşıyordu. 15'ten fazla ülkede 20'den fazla NBA Oyuncusu ve binlerce oyuncuyla çalışmaya devam etti. Dünya çapında oyunun her seviyesinde binlerce saatlik uygulamalı antrenman deneyimi ve farklı antrenman tarzlarına maruz kalma, Joshua'nın benzersiz antrenman yöntemleri ve felsefelerinin şekillenmesine yardımcı oldu.

ABD, İspanya, Fransa, İsrail, Türkiye, Tayvan, Avustralya, Ürdün, Şili, Meksika, Guatemala, Kanada, El Salvador ve ABD'de kamplar ve klinikler yürüten onun bilgisi, sergilediği yetenekler ve öğretme yöntemleri dünya çapında imreniliyor. Daha .




Derek Biale is a Skilled Game Player Development Trainer who currently serves as the OTE Diamond Doves Assistant Coach and PHHprep Recruiting Coordinator. Having been on the coaching staff of high-level programs since 2017, he has helped develop players to reach the D-1 collegiate level for the past 7 years. With his Coaching experience and passion for skill development training, Derek's training style seamlessly ties in Skill Development with Game Reads, putting players through situations and actions they would encounter in the game. For the past 4 years, he's been working hand-in-hand with Joshua developing players in the PHHprep program, and has also assisted in International camps, becoming well-versed in the Skilled Game Methods while adding his own expertise to our training approach.


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